About me…..

I have been in the business of Telecommunications 25+ years. My current job is to deploy Telecommunications networks faster, better and cheaper to bring value to the end customer as well and profitability to our customers and our company. However, I believe that every business is a people business. Every change, every improvement has people factor to it. Therefore, the leadership and soft-skills become integral part of the change and improvements. 


First ever Mobile call in India. July 31, 1995

My career started in Nepal as a fixed digital switching engineer. I journeyed through the advancement of wireless communications with Nokia. I built first ever commercial mobile network in India, supported explosion of 2G wireless networks in China, pioneered first ever end to end 3G call in Finland and supported the United States wireless communications journey from 2G to 2.5G, 3G, LTE and now 5G. 

Leadership & Soft-Skills

Are the leaders born or can they be developed?

Most of the leadership skills are learned skills. For example, public speaking, emotional intelligence, change management, time management and communication can be improved.

I am passionate to develop my own skills as well as helping others to improve theirs. That motivated me to develop LEAP, HELP and BEST leadership and soft-skills programs.

Change Management

There is only one certainty in our professional and personal lives, there will always be changes. How do we manage the constant changes? How to bring positive changes?

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement is another passion of mine.

How can we continuously improve ourselves and as well as people around us to bring more value, satisfaction, happiness, profitability and growth?
